Nehme Hamie

Luxemburg / mentioned “Arabic”, that Turkish National Intelligence Organization It revealed agents of the Israeli intelligence service.”Mossad“ They were conducting surveillance and espionage activities in…

Türkiye And Europe.

The newspaper reported,morning”Turkish, these people were arrested in Istanbul, and they are working for”Mossad”.

The newspaper obtained details of the ongoing investigation with these individuals. In total, the spy cell included 9 people, 8 of whom were arrested, and 6 of them were accused of trying to obtain secret government information and political and military espionage. One member of this group, who is of Lebanese origin, is still on the run. .

The newspaper reported,morning“The leader of the spy cell is the owner of the insurance company, Ahmed Ersin Tomlugali, and his wife and son, who were born in Germany, his step daughter and other people carrying out tasks.”Mossad With him, their tasks included monitoring and photographing people of interest to Israeli intelligence Germany And Türkiye And also in Georgia And Lebanon It is also reported that Tomlogali held meetings with the coordinators of Mossad“ In different European countries, he received 300 thousand euros for his work.

Mossad admits that it was surprised by the October 7 attack

Israeli security expert Yossi Melman said, “The Israeli intelligence service Mossad He admitted for the first time that he was surprised by the events of October 7, in a document he prepared Mossad For the new edition of the Israeli Intelligence Heritage and Remembrance Center Bulletin, which includes details of the agency’s activity during the war in Gaza”.

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Melman pointed out that “the confession may seem self-evident, but it actually carries importance when it appears in an official agency publication,” noting that “although the document was not signed, it is clear to anyone familiar with the work procedures.”Mossad Every word therein has been approved by the president Mossad David Barnea.”

Melman stated that the document makes clear that “Mossad Within the scope of his role, he does not focus on the Palestinian arena, but from a practical standpoint, he certainly has contact and interaction with many parties related to this field.

Details of the most dangerous Mossad activity in Lebanon.. 

This is how spies move!

The incident that led to the killing of the Lebanese money changer, Muhammad Sorour, in Lebanon should not go unnoticed as long as it was linked to “the involvement of the Israeli Mossad.” The issue is very sensitive, especially since it revealed a broader Mossad activity that is extending towards areas that no one would have thought would be a platform for intelligence activity at the level of the operation that took place.

Suspicious things

Sources concerned with military affairs do not hide their “concerns” about the possibility of a major expansion of the Israeli Mossad in Lebanon, especially through the recruitment of trained professional agents. The Sorour murder showed that there are “unusual” levels of monitoring and luring, as well as in the penetration of specific people.

On the other hand, the sources consider that targeting Sorour came in an area that was “easy” for the Mossad for two reasons: the first is that Hezbollah’s intelligence coverage does not include Beit Mery – Mount Lebanon, where Sorour was killed, while the second reason is that that town is far from The southern suburb of Beirut, where the party’s field activity related to “fortifying its group” is more robust than any other region.

On the other hand, what is becoming clear is that technical means are now interfering with spies and their work, and sources specializing in communications affairs say that most agents may be recruited through encrypted communications and popular applications without any communication between them and the operators using the basic communications network.

This issue is considered a suspicious matter that cannot be easily controlled, as technologies have changed, while the spy devices or communications technologies that were previously used by agents may have disappeared and are no longer present, amid the shift of everything to the Internet on the one hand and to applications that the Lebanese state cannot control.

Mossad activity expands

What appears clearly is that the Mossad’s activity is no longer limited only to military aspects related to “Hezbollah” or its activity in southern Lebanon. The matter has evolved and now includes any party close to it or who has activity suspected of being on behalf of the party.

Economists, financial workers, merchants, and others may be on the target list. This matter was demonstrated by the Surur incident, knowing that what is happening may not stop at the borders of the Lebanese, but may also include Syrian people who have connections to Hezbollah and its financial activities inside Lebanon.

The basis for all of this, according to sources concerned with military affairs, is that the Mossad’s activity was greatly enhanced through the loopholes that it benefited from over the past years, and they say that the expanded “target bank” that was worked on during the past periods gave Israel a huge amount of information that it is investing in. Inside Lebanon to direct various strikes through specific intelligence work.

A more serious vulnerability

In the past, it was always announced the discovery of networks affiliated with the Israeli Mossad that were active in monitoring, surveillance, intelligence investigations, and other intelligence activities. On the other hand, there was never any talk about the idea of ​​Israeli parties carrying out kidnapping operations, as happened with Sorour, which calls for great concern about the possibility of this matter being repeated amid the current tense security situation.

This matter is considered a very serious loophole in terms of the existing reality, and what has become clear is that Israeli intelligence activity is also aiming for direct liquidation after attempts at interrogation, something that previously only happened inside Israeli detention centers in Lebanon. At that time, the arrest process was carried out publicly before investigation, while the “kidnapping” order was common for specific people who were hidden before their families discovered this through information indicating that they were in the hands of the Israelis.

In fact, southerners lived through that stage and are fully aware of this matter, but that was during the occupation era.. As for today.. what imposed such practices again?

Quite simply, the answer, as the sources concerned with military affairs say, is that the Lebanese arena is technically and intelligence breached, while the security practices taking place demonstrate that the fragile situation has become a necessity for caution. Also, what appears is that kidnapping operations have moved from the stage of financial benefit to the level of intelligence benefit, as happened with Sorour, which reveals a great danger that cannot be overlooked.

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