DNIPRO GEN 2 Tourniquet

The DNIPRO GEN 2 Tourniquet is a game-changer in the field of medical equipment. In just six months, they have developed and improved this life-saving device to its second generation, and they are proud to announce that it has received all the necessary certificates from Ukraine and the European Union.

One of the key improvements in the DNIPRO GEN 2 is the addition of protectors between the platform and the buckle, as well as between the platform and the main strap. These protectors serve to safeguard the skin and muscles on the limbs from pinching, ensuring maximum comfort and safety for the user.

The wide velcro on the platform with a notch is another innovative feature of the DNIPRO GEN 2. It completely closes and securely holds the gate, while the perforation allows for easy identification of the edge of the velcro even by touch. This quick and hassle-free operation is crucial in emergency situations, where every second counts.

They have also implemented a new strap attachment method, which offers easy peeling and increased rigidity. This ensures that the tourniquet stays in place and provides optimal compression to stop bleeding effectively.

To further enhance its durability, they have reinforced the inner tape of the DNIPRO GEN 2. This tape is extremely tensile and tear-resistant, yet it offers a light stroke when the gate is rotated. This attention to detail ensures that the tourniquet can withstand rigorous use without compromising on user comfort.

The platform of the DNIPRO GEN 2 features six holes and tread, allowing for a secure hold and effective bending, ensuring a snug fit on limbs of different volumes. This versatility is crucial in emergency situations, where the tourniquet needs to cater to various body types.

The newly shaped duralumin gate valve of the DNIPRO GEN 2 is both comfortable and reliable to use, whether with or without tactical gloves. This user-friendly design ensures that medical professionals and first responders can efficiently apply the tourniquet in high-pressure scenarios.

The tourniquet also features a metal single-slotted buckle, providing convenient and reliable operation that allows for fast belt refueling. Additionally, an external buckle lock fixes the buckle when tucking in the belt, further securing the tourniquet in place.

Furthermore, the lower fixation of the external strap under the platform prevents any interference with the rotation of the gate on the platform and the twisting of the inner belt. This additional reinforcement strengthens the platform from below, ensuring the tourniquet stays securely in place during use.

With these significant improvements, the DNIPRO GEN 2 Tourniquet sets a new standard in the industry for reliability, ease of use, and user comfort. It provides medical professionals and first responders with a highly effective tool in saving lives during critical situations.

Now available:

by Rubén Rodríguez Sáinz-Pardo

February 9, 2024

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